establish a culture of prayer
Dear Church/Ministry Leader,
If you feel like God is leading you to make prayer more of a focus within your ministry, WE ARE HERE TO HELP!
A big part of our heart here is to be a catalytic resource center for other churches and ministries within our region. Regardless of size, we have the desire to help you establish a culture of sustained prayer within your people.
We have compiled a list of resources, practical ideas, some DO’s and DON’Ts and would love to come along side your ministry and dream with you… ALL FOR FREE, NO STRINGS ATTACHED!
Whether it looks like starting a prayer room from scratch in your ministry space, improving an existing one, or providing creative “out of the box” ideas like worship and prayer gatherings in unique places, WE ARE HERE TO PARTNER WITH YOU!
Fill out the form below and I will set up an INITIAL MEETING to get to know YOU and your vision better.
Kyle Hubbart
Lake Travis Prayer Room Director